Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Even some Congolese ask: "You ate what?"

I don't really know how to spell it.. but I will call it Posse - Poss like Hoss, then A. Poss-A.
They live off of Pine Tree nuts so they taste..nutty! (no you don't eat them alive!)

They tasted good with some Pondu and Pili-Pili (hot salsa) isn't it just yummy!
Democratic Republic of Congo, Exotic Food, Congo.
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Watch out!

You had to be careful here.. water slicked path by drop of over a hundred feet (if not more) on our way to Plattklip Gorge. Posted by Picasa


Resting under an outcropping.. it was a nice place to stop. Posted by Picasa

it lives...

...upon the side of the mountain. Posted by Picasa

Along our path

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

into the city below

Not simply a Billy Talent ripoff...
A view back down our path once we had gone as far vertically that we could go. Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 11, 2005

Up and away

I love this picture! Seeing everything here makes me want to explore it all again. Suzy and I are almost at the top of the easy climb. Once we get to where the rock face starts you need gear to continue. We will end up making our way to the left around the mountain towards Platklip Gorge. You can see the cables for the cars above where we were, and the clouds pouring over the mountain! Posted by Picasa


Cable car taking you to the top of Table Mountain. I don't know who would have gone up this day as visibility was exactly zero at times. Right now the cable car is not going up in fog but rather the clouds! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

TV Bar

Suzy enjoys a TV Bar while we climb up the mountain from behind the Lower Cable Station. The rocks were arranged in such a way as to provide a stair case of sorts. At least it gave us something to sit down on! TV Bar's are a chocolate bar not sold in North America.. good crispy rice with Chocolate etc. Posted by Picasa

Lower Cable Station

This is the Table Mountain depature centre for those who want to take the cableway up the mountain to the top. (Obviously named the Upper Cable Station) Due to the weather Suzy and I decided to climb as much as the mountain as possible. We were headed to Platklip Gorge. (Which would be the point we climbed back down the mountain.)
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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Bridge and Seal! Live


On our ferry back from Robbin Island we saw this little one swimming around. The seal climbed up a small staircase that went to the waters edge and began drying off and sunning on the concrete gangway.

On an interesting note the bridge in the background moves 90 degrees away (not up..but horizontally) when a ship needs to get past. A horn sounds and you have to wait for it to open and then close. Cool convenience!

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