Monday, August 28, 2006


I remember when going through all of our pics from this trip, (Suzy and I) that these 3 pics stood out to me...

1. Bird had just taken off and flown over the street vendor.

2. I loved those houses. This one obviously had a theme and in taking the pic a bird posed for us almost perfectly!

3. And then there is this one. The bird is almost perfectly in line with and as still as the mosque. I love this one.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Riki Taxi!

Click the pic above and you will see what was to the right of this one. I never realized that the red "van/car" in the pic was a Riki Taxi though! Suzy and I took one of these from Table Mountain down into the city itself. When you cannot find a taxi-bus you can always call one of these cheap "backpacker priced" taxi's to take you and prob at max 3 other people. It was an adventuresome ride!

This photo is of the inside of the Taxi facing the back. As you can see the rear is simply a door held shut by one bolt, and you sit on small seats to the side of the vehicle.

Just a look inside peering forward. Click the pic to enlarge it!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Kelp forest (from the bottom)

This is the actual view of what we saw all the time above the water. (Like here) This pic was taken in the Two Oceans Aquarium, RSA.

Friday, August 18, 2006

We went

The "fiances" at The Old Mill, where we will be married in just over a month!

The pic was taken on my cellphone which doesn't work that well in low light conditions as you can tell. I still thought it was good enough to post... though terribly grainy.