Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Not white?


What you see above is the official breakdown of the prisoners diet.

You'll notice two headings: BANTUS (Blacks) and COLOUREDS/ASIATICS.

If you follow this list down you see that in pretty much every category group B received more food than C. This sign is very instructive when trying to understand how the "races" were viewed in South Africa.

Coloureds/Asiatics are anyone who is considered non-white but is not a darker shade of black. Light skinned individuals no matter their background; whether Asian, Mixed, Arabic, Persian etc were considered Coloured. Therefore you could have a family where different members were considered a different race depending on their shade.

Of further interest notice that group B receives Bread while group C, Puzamandla. Basically think of the crumbs left over after cutting up a loaf of bread. Mix this with water and voila! You have their lunch.

Horrible... Posted by Picasa

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