Saturday, September 24, 2005


Imagine yourself a little ways back into the past. You inhabit that little house on the left by yourself for 18 years. The guards who patrol around your house are under orders not to talk to you. There is no electricity so when night comes you are clothed in darkness. Dogs, trained to kill you, are being housed right outside. (That is what you can see on the right side of this picture) What would happen to you? To your mind? And what was your crime? You were of the 'opposition party' you were black and you wanted change. After more than 10 years in here the prisoner started going a little crazy so they did permit a light and books and conversations with the guards were relaxed. But still. When the inhabitant (when I remember the name I will add it) got ill it was at a time when the world was looking at the Apartheid policies in not too nice of a way. To not have this person die on infamous Robbin Island they were moved to Pretoria where they died in prison there. Bloody politics hmm? Posted by Picasa

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